A few weeks ago, Dr. Giselle Escaño was on tour in the United States giving nutrition tips and talking about her digital platform. Better known as Dra. Gi, this Dominican specialist in Aesthetic Medicine-Nutrition, has stood out among her colleagues because of her excellent use of digital media.
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With her username @Dra_Gi, she uses social networks to share information with her patients and followers. In addition, she just launched “La Dieta Online de la Dra. Gi (Dra. Gi’s Online Diet)”, a digital platform that allows her to serve customers around the world and in only one week has managed to enroll more than 2,500 people.
Taking advantage of our meeting, I asked her for some tips to share with you, as our health should be a priority before any project or business that we want to undertake.
What is smart eating?
Balance is the magic word in Dra. Gi’s regimen. She educates her patients on what to choose at mealtimes and makes them aware of the benefits each food brings. Well-known for being “the medical nutritionist of celebrities in the Dominican Republic”, she concludes that eating smart is knowing how to identify the needs of your body and learning to play with food combinations and portions.
We think of quick weight loss and we get frustrated. You have to prepare to lose weight gradually and consciously.
Our diet should contain both carbohydrates and proteins and fats, and many times when we start a diet, this is the first thing we give up. “It’s important that you learn to define what your body needs and what physical and clinical conditions you have. Everyone has a different body, and therefore a very personalized diet,” says Dra. Gi.
Popular diets, like clothing or technology, change or stick, depending on fads. Many of these are super intense, and tend to limit a variety of foods. What is the outcome of these diets? Rapid short-term results that suffer a rebound effect later on. Because, as in any regimen, the most difficult stage is maintenance.
Eating smart is knowing how to choose foods, the right portions, the time, quantity and frequency. Share on XIn our conversation, Dra. Gi insists that you can eat both healthy and delicious. And to get a taste, you can find the delicious dishes that her patients prepare using the hashtag: #yomecuidocondragi.
If you want to eat smart, start by following these tips!
Get Organized
Just like we mentioned in our previous article, organization is key. Prepare your food in advance. Take a moment during the week to plan a menu. That way you can prepare some of the dishes that you are going to consume each day in a timely manner, taking into account the types of food and the portions that you need.
Eat every 3 to 4 hours for your metabolism to stay active
You heard right! Eat 5 to 6 times a day. Entrepreneurial women often miss some meals, especially breakfast, because we have many responsibilities and use the famous excuse of “not having time”. If you can’t have a full meal in a period of several hours, it is advisable to eat a snack.
Food Combinations
Do not limit yourself to just one type of food! The body needs protein and vegetables, but also carbohydrates and healthy fats. Where do you find these fats? Not in empanadas! In some foods such as nuts, avocado, chia seeds, fatty fish such as salmon, olive oil or coconut oil and other foods that benefit your cholesterol level.
Ever since we were girls we have been hearing that we need to drink 8 glasses of water a day. All of us, especially those who are very busy, often forget how important it is to stay hydrated. We have the idea that if we do not exercise, we do not need to consume enough water. And friend, let me remind you that the body is composed of 65% water and if we do not consume it for more than five days, we put our life at risk. Pause right now and have a glass of water!
It is very important to exercise at least 3 times a week. Look for an activity or a class that motivates you, whether it is cardio, a dance class, riding a bicycle or cycling… Dra. Gi confirms that 35 minutes, 3 times a week, is enough for a person to have a healthy weight and a better quality of life.
And you, how do you take care of yourself? Are you eating smart? Share your opinion with us by leaving a comment!
About Dra. Gi:
Giselle Escaño, better known in the media as Dra. Gi, has more than 100,000 followers in social media and is the director of the Aesthetic Medicine-Clinical Nutrition Unit at Centro Escaño de Endocrinología y Estética in the Dominican Republic. She is a pioneer in developing the first light calorimetric menu in the Dominican Republic, in accordance with United States regulations and along with Restaurant Colatte. She graduated from Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) and did a specialty in Aesthetic Medicine-Clinical Nutrition at the University of Les Illes Balears in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. As part of the program for weight loss and prevention of excess weight and obesity, she has been working for four years with #RetoDraGi through social media, and also held a Reality Show known as #RetoDraGi2017 in the television program Noche de Luz by Luz García, transmitted by Antenna Latina, channel 7, in Dominican Republic. She is also a member of the Dominican Society for the Study of Obesity (SODEO) as well as a member of the Dominican Foundation of Endocrinology and Diabetes (FUNDOMED). In addition, she collaborates with different media outlets on the subject of health. It should be noted that Escaño is a presenter of the radio program “Salud en línea” and is currently collaborating on nutrition issues in Telemundo’s morning show, Un nuevo día. She has also been featured in HOLA! TV, RCN International, Caracol radio, Univision radio at the national level and Diario las Américas, among others.
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