Let’s face it, goal setting is a daunting task we dread completing. As a Recovering Procrastinator, I have pushed away setting goals many times because the hardest part is to begin. ¡Clic aquí para leer en español! Today, we’ll go over the 5 quick and creative ways to set your goals and make sure they […]
Here we are again! Celebrating the holidays, definitely the favorite time of the year for many of us. It’s time to get together with our loved ones (some of us even have to travel), enjoy our exquisite Latin food and exchange gifts with family and friends, that’s Christmas! Just like last year, for this season […]
I love the holidays! I take Thanksgiving as an opportunity to reflect on what I got during the year and give thanks for all of it. Also, I love Black Friday and Cyber Monday DEALS! I’m always on the lookout for great offers on products and services available for us bloggers, freelancers, and entrepreneurs during these […]
Since the moment I started my adventure as an entrepreneur two years ago, I have faced several challenges. One of the most difficult ones has been getting my finances in order, after coming from a very comfortable place of being a full-time employee. I used to receive my check at the end of the month, […]
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2017 Holiday Gift Guide
This is my favorite time of the year! Who doesn’t love Christmas? Today I want to share this list with great gifts for your loved ones and also for yourself, if you are undertaking a digital business. This list includes products and gadgets for entrepreneurs and people working in media. These gifts will help you […]
Summer is here! For several weeks now, in states where we have experienced a long, harsh winter, the weather is finally changing and bathing suits, beach towels and sandals can be seen more and more. This list of “summer must-haves” is missing something… Did you notice? ¡Clic aquí para leer en español! Although this is […]
A few weeks ago, Dr. Giselle Escaño was on tour in the United States giving nutrition tips and talking about her digital platform. Better known as Dra. Gi, this Dominican specialist in Aesthetic Medicine-Nutrition, has stood out among her colleagues because of her excellent use of digital media. ¡Clic aquí para leer en español! With […]
A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to meet Elaine King. Elaine is known as the “finance guru” and last March she was chosen as one of the 25 powerful women from People en Español magazine. Given her experience, I wanted to talk to her about finances, entrepreneurship and the challenges that Latina women […]
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Gift Guide: Mother's Day
Have you bought your Mother’s Day gift yet? No? Calm down, you’re not alone! If your mom, sister or best friend is a Latina in Media just like us, I want to give you some last minute ideas that you can still get in time to celebrate this special occasion and the great mothers in […]